36 research outputs found

    Sähköisen palvelutuotteen tuotteistaminen ja myynti

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    Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli selvittää, kuinka uusi sähköinen palvelutuote tulee tuotteistaa, jotta se on helppo ostaa ja myydä. Tuotteistamisprosessissa otettiin huomioon myös myynnilliset asiat. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli havainnollistaa case-yrityksen tuotteistamisprosessia sekä löytää aiheita, joita tulee ottaa huomioon tuotteistuksessa ja myynnissä varsinkin silloin, kun asiakas ei tunne alaa ennestään. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa käytiin läpi tuotteistamisen eri vaiheita sekä myyntiprosessia. Tuotteistuksessa otettiin huomioon, että tuote on suunnattu yritysten väliseen kaupankäyntiin. Näin ollen kuluttajatuotteet sekä kuluttaja-kauppaan liittyvät myynnilliset seikat on rajattu pois. Myyntiprosessissa käytiin läpi myynnin vaiheet ensikontaktista jälkimarkkinointiin. Myyntiprosessissa huomioitiin myös ostajan ostamisen vaiheet. Empiriaosuus suoritettiin kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksessa haastateltiin teemahaastatteluna case-yrityksen tuotteistamisen parissa työskenteleviä henkilöitä. Tutkimuksen perusteella luotiin case-yritykselle malli tuotteistuksen ja myynnin tueksi. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, ettei case-yrityksellä ollut vakiintunutta tuotteistamispro-sessia, vaan tuotteistamista tehtiin kokeilemalla eri keinoja. Tutkimuksen avulla case-yritykselle luotiin oma tuotteistamisen malli, joka ottaa huomioon tuottei-den erityisvaatimukset. Tuotteistamismallia voi käyttää myös muut saman alan toimijat.The purpose of this thesis was to examine how a new digital service product should be productized in order for it to be easy to buy and sell. The productiza-tion process took also the sales issues into account. The objective was to clarify the productization process at the case company and also to discover topics which should be taken into consideration in productization and sales. Those topics are especially important when the client is not familiar with the field of business. The theory chapters cover the different phases of productization and sales pro-cesses. This thesis considers only business-to-business products. Because of this, consumer products and sales issues related to such products are excluded from this study. The sales process covers the phases from the first contact to after sales services, including also the client’s purchase process. The empirical study was implemented as a qualitative study. The entrepreneurs of the case company were interviewed, and based on the interview data, a model for the productization of the new digital service was created. The study revealed that the case company did not have any established productization process. The new products were the result of testing and piloting. The new model of productization was built on the outcome of the study. Various companies in the same field as the case company can use this same model in their productization cases

    Ikäihminen haja-asutusalueella - pientalojen esteettömyys ja energiakorjausten kannattavuus

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    Julkaisussa virheellinen ISBN:978-952-5714-88-3

    Struggling for a New Role for the Business Controller

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    Purpose The recent discussion on changes in the controller’s role has mainly focused on the national and organizational level culture aspects of that professional role. While earlier studies have demonstrated how the role changes have been stimulated by corporate culture, IT systems, new accounting technologies and inter-professional competition, we contend that such changes cannot be achieved without active individuals in organizations. Methodology/Approach Our study is informed by the concept of institutional entrepreneurship, concentrating on changes in institutions, such as professional roles, which are achieved by an active agency. Thus we concentrate on the individual level by tracing how the role of a single controller was changed from that of a ‘bean counter’ towards that of a business partner. Findings We illustrate how new cost accounting techniques (ABC) and modern information technology (ERP) serve as critical momentum for this role change, and how the aspiring controller must creatively combine multiple competencies in order to change the institutionalized professional role. Research Implications Organizational roles and other social institutions defining accounting practices may change and are changed only as a result of active agencies. Therefore, in order to understand the conditions for these changes, we need to pay more attention to what active individuals are doing when bringing about these changes. More attention should be paid to the political and discursive action of accountants. Originality of the Paper This paper focuses on an active agency in the process of changing social institutions. The research task is organized as a longitudinal study concentrating on the critical phase of a single individual’s work career. Classifications: Research pape

    Kurkun (Cucumis sativus L.) somaattinen embryogeneesi

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    Tutkielma: Turun yliopisto, biologian laitos, kasvifysiologia ja -molekyylibiologia: 1998

    Struggling for a New Role for the Business Controller

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    Purpose The recent discussion on changes in the controller’s role has mainly focused on the national and organizational level culture aspects of that professional role. While earlier studies have demonstrated how the role changes have been stimulated by corporate culture, IT systems, new accounting technologies and inter-professional competition, we contend that such changes cannot be achieved without active individuals in organizations. Methodology/Approach Our study is informed by the concept of institutional entrepreneurship, concentrating on changes in institutions, such as professional roles, which are achieved by an active agency. Thus we concentrate on the individual level by tracing how the role of a single controller was changed from that of a ‘bean counter’ towards that of a business partner. Findings We illustrate how new cost accounting techniques (ABC) and modern information technology (ERP) serve as critical momentum for this role change, and how the aspiring controller must creatively combine multiple competencies in order to change the institutionalized professional role. Research Implications Organizational roles and other social institutions defining accounting practices may change and are changed only as a result of active agencies. Therefore, in order to understand the conditions for these changes, we need to pay more attention to what active individuals are doing when bringing about these changes. More attention should be paid to the political and discursive action of accountants. Originality of the Paper This paper focuses on an active agency in the process of changing social institutions. The research task is organized as a longitudinal study concentrating on the critical phase of a single individual’s work career. Classifications: Research pape

    Laboratory Simulation of Bitumen Aging and Rejuvenation to Mimic Multiple Cycles of Reuse

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    A laboratory study on bitumen aging and rejuvenation was conducted to investigate the effect of the multiple cycles of reuse on bitumen properties. The bitumen studied was unmodified conventional paving grade 70/100 pen bitumen which was aged in the laboratory, then rejuvenated with 650/900 bitumen back to 70/100 grade. Four aging-rejuvenation cycles were conducted and properties were tested after each step. The aging procedure consisted of Rolling Thin Film Oven Test (RTFOT) followed by Pressure Aging Vessel (PAV) aging at 90 °C for 20 hours. Results suggest that bitumen hardens the most during the first cycle of aging with the following cycles asserting less influence. The physical bitumen properties could be restored close to the original state. However, the balance of elastic and viscous component was altered towards a more elastic behavior in each cycle. Therefore, it is debatable whether rejuvenation with soft bitumen restores the entire range of performance for the bitumen. The changes cannot be chemically reversed in described process, although the rejuvenator allows for the restoration of some physical properties.Peer reviewe